One-click Reports

One-click reports allow you to easily see what's happening  in specific areas of safety in your organisation. For example, the places where damage occurred in the last 12 months, training that's been done or what activity was happening at the time when injuries occurred.  

Create reports using one-click report feature

  1. Click Reports in the top menu bar.
  2. Choose the type of report you want by clicking the tile.
  3. For PeopleSafe Reports, you have the choice of a Summary Report and a Board Report. Select what you want to see. Click Generate to open an Excel report.
  4. For  Accidents, Damage, Discomfort, Training, Injuries, Risks, Near Miss or Nice Job reports, click on your report type, decide what information you want to report on from one of the options on the left and then the date range. Click the box where these two intersect. This will open the report in a new browser page.
  5. For People and Check-in reports, choose one of the report options and click Build Report.
  6. For Tasks, select from one of the three report options.
  7. For TXT reports, choose the Year and Month, click Update. The screen will change to show the activity for that year and month.
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