Take Ownership of Partner Safety Hubs

When you work with a PeopleSafe Certified Partner, your organisation's PeopleSafe site will be connected to the Partner's Safety Hubs. This provides you with pre-populated data in your 'settings', for example gear types, safety plans, risks etc. 

When the partnership relationship ends you will need to 'take ownership' of these Partner Safety Hubs. This ensures you keep the settings and don't loose any of the data associated with them.  You can edit or selectively deactivate any of the settings without loosing any records. 

To Take Ownership 

  1. Click on your organisation name at the top left.
  2. Click Our Organisation in the drop-down. 
  3. Click Manage Safety Hubs in the left hand side panel. 
  4. Any Safety Hubs you are subscribed to will appear in a list on this page. 
  5. Click Take Ownership of the Partner Safety Hubs.
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