Update Payment Details

To update payment details you will need:

  • Security clearance of PeopleSafe Coordinator or Advisor for the Organisation you want to update.

Step One

1. Click on your Organisation's Name in the top left of your screen.

2. Click Our Organisation button to open your Organisation profile.

3. In the left-hand menu click on Payment Details. You'll be taken to your payment information.

Step Two

1. Add in or Update your Credit Card information.

2. Click the Save Details button on the bottom right.

Adding a Credit Card into ANY of the Organisations in your Subscription will update the Payment Details for ALL of that Subscription for ALL invoices raised after the date the Credit Card is added.  

More about Billing and Payment details

  • Whoever's details are in the 'Main Contact' field of the 'Our Organisation' section will receive correspondence from PeopleSafe. The correspondence includes things like maintenance release updates, billing information etc. It is important you keep these details current.
  • Once you've added in your billing details PeopleSafe will remember them but because of privacy, we do not keep your Credit Card information on show. You'll know if it's all sorted when the payment page displays '...payment is already setup...'.
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