Add a completed Gear Check

Add completed Gear Checks to PeopleSafe so you have a record of them and get automated reminders before any checks expire. 

There are a couple of places you can add completed Gear Checks in PeopleSafe:

From the Gear Dashboard

  1. Click Gear in the top menu bar. 
  2. Click the Add New menu on the right of the screen.
  3. Click Record New Check.
  4. Select the check that was done from the drop-down list.
  5. Add the date the check was done. 
  6. Select the Gear the check was done for from the drop-down list.
  7. Add any notes or attachments you want to be part of this record. 
  8. Click Save.

The end screen is a list of the Gear Checks that have been done.

From your Task List 

  1. Click the Tasks icon in the top menu bar.
  2. Use the Smart-list filters to help you find the Gear Check task *aka* Certification Task , you want to see. 
  3. Click View.
  4. Click Record.
  5. Select the check that was done from the drop-down list.
  6. Add the date the check was done. 
  7. Select the Gear the check was done for from the drop-down list. 
  8. Add any notes or attachments you want to be part of this record. 
  9. Click Save.

The end screen is a list of the Gear Checks that have been done

More about Gear Checks

  • To help in your search for your gear item from the Task list - In the 'Type' column search field, type Certification, and type the name of the Gear item in the 'Description' column search field.
  • You can add checks for multiple gear items at one time if it makes sense.
  • Once you've recorded your Gear Check against the item of Gear this will complete the task in your Tasks(All) To Do list and the task will disappear.
  • Gear check records are stored under Gear and can be accessed by clicking in the Gear Checks Completed box on the Gear dashboard.
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