How Risks Work

In this article

  • Introduction
  • Risk Fields Explained
  • How Risks Help
  • How Risks Work
  • Getting Started
  • Adding, Editing or Deleting Risks
  • Access Permissions
  • Outcomes
  • Related Topics
  • External Resources

Risks in PeopleSafe are a list of all the risky things your people might deal with while they are at work or doing their work. 

Creating a Risk in PeopleSafe is as simple as filling out the online template. The risks might be to do with the physical work that staff do, the substances or chemicals they work with, their work environment or anything else that could cause harm.
It works best when the risks are identified by staff and then managed by users with Coordinator security clearance.

Risks primarily exist to provide an easy way for all staff to identify, access and record risks (via Tell Your Story and the Safety Plan tab).

Risk Fields Explained

What is the risk?
This is what the hazard or risk actually is.
This is a risk because
Explain why the risk is dangerous, or why it could be dangerous.
What kind of risk is this?
This is a prepopulated drop down list. This is to help identify quickly what type of risk or hazard it is.
Where is it?
This is a drop down list prepopulated with your organisations' list of places. 
How would people get hurt if this caused an accident?
Explain the type of injuries that are likely to happen because of this risk.
How could we make it safer?
Tell us what you think would make this risk safer. Think about the practical things you or your workers could do that we might not know about.
How serious is this risk?
This is a prepopulated drop down list. Options are General, Eliminated and Significant. Selecting Significant option will automatically make a task to create a Safety Plan for that risk.
How likely is this risk to cause an injury?
This is a slider with prepopulated injury likelihoods.
How bad would the injuries be?
This is a slider with prepopulated injury values.
Injuries that could be caused by this risk
Click boxes prepopulated with injuries that could be classed as notifiable events. Selecting these will automatically make a task in PeopleSafe to create a Safety Plan for that risk.

How Risks Help

The law says risk identification and risk management is everyone's duty. Risks will change so there needs to be regular assessment and monitoring.
Risks in PeopleSafe allow everyone to have a voice in identifying the risks they work with and gives them the opportunity to submit ideas on how they think the risk should be managed. 

Risks connect seamlessly with Safety Plans in PeopleSafe. Safety Plans are the plans in place to keep people safe from the risks they work with.

Keeping your Risks in PeopleSafe means the data is secure, users have access 24/7 and there becomes one place to update Risk details should they change.

"A healthy and safe workplace starts with identifying and understanding what your work-related health and safety risks are; particularly those that have the potential to cause people serious injury or illness. It then involves doing what is reasonable, what is practical and what you are able to do to eliminate or, where they can’t be eliminated, minimise those risks."

How Risks Work

  • Risks are stored in the Safety Plan tab and can be accessed by clicking on the Total Risks box.
  • Every PeopleSafe user will have access to add to and view the full list of Risks.
  • Risks can be entered using Tell Your Story and selecting 'We found something risky' as the story type or directly from the Safety Plan tab.
  • Users with PeopleSafe coordinator security clearance can edit and review the Risks.
  • Safety Plans have a field to identify the risks that the plan intends to manage. The risks are a drop down list pulled directly from your group of Risks.
  • Risks can be physical things, chemicals or substances, mental stress, fatigue, the work environment or pathogens (bacteria, virus and fungi). Anything that has the potential to harm people.
  • PeopleSafe uses Risks as a reporting category for one-click reports. 
  • PeopleSafe will send email notifications and create task alerts when new risks are entered or risks from your current list are identified in a Story Review. 

Getting Started

The aim is for every person doing work for the organisation involved in identifying the risks they work with and adding them to PeopleSafe.

Expected Step by Step Process

  1. Create Risks (Individual via Tell Your Story or Add New button in Safety Plans tab)
  2. Create Risks (Bulk, via .CSV)
  3. PeopleSafe Coordinator reviews Risks
  4. Significant Risks have Safety Plans created to manage them
  5. Deactivate Risks as required

Adding, Editing or Deleting Risks

Adding Risks can be completed two ways, either one by one from Add New button in the Safety Plans tab or importing a prepopulated .CSV file. Click on the Help Articles below for more detail.

How to: Add a Risk
How to: Import Risks via CSV

Editing and deleting Risks can both be achieved once you've successfully navigated to view the full list of Risks. 

  1. Click on the Safety Plans tab
  2. Click on Total Risks in the Risks Found box
  3. Find and click on the Risk you want to edit or delete
  4. Click on the Options button
  5. In the drop-down click on either Edit or Delete 

Note:  Any Risk displayed in Italics are subscribed from a Safety Hub and cannot be edited or deleted without first Managing the Safety Hubs your organisation are subscribed to.

Access Permissions

Users with Coordinator Security Clearance can:

  • View all Risks
  • Add Risks via Tell Your Story and the Safety Plans Tab.
  • Import Risks via CSV upload.
  • Upload and delete Attachments.
  • View and edit all Notes.
  • View History.
  • Deactivate Risks.
  • Print Risks.

Users with Manage Users Security Clearance can:

  • View all Risks
  • Add Risks via Tell Your Story and the Safety Plans Tab.
  • View and add Notes. 
  • Delete Notes that they were the creator of.
  • Upload and delete Attachments.
  • Print list of Risks via Smart-list Output Data.

Users with Standard Staff Security Clearance can: 

  • View all Risks
  • Add Risks via Tell Your Story.
  • View all Notes and Attachments. 
  • Print list of Risks via Smart-list Output Data.



Risks can be deactivated at any time. This will remove the plan from the list of.
Deactivating a Risk will essentially delete the record.

Related Processes and Tasks

There are two types of tasks that are directly involved with Risks. One requires a Risk to be reviewed, the other requires the creation of a Safety Plan to manage a Risk.

Risk Review

Task Name in PeopleSafe: ' Hazard Review Task' - *aka* a Risk needs reviewing
This is a PeopleSafe generated task that's created when a Risk needs reviewing. This maybe triggered by a new risk being created in PeopleSafe (via Tell Your Story or adding a risk directly to the Risks list) or a serious Risk already managed by a Safety Plan being identified in the Story Review process. This task is given to users with a specific PeopleSafe Job as the designated reviewer or users with Coordinator security clearance.

PeopleSafe won't recognise a Risk has been reviewed until the Risk profile has been opened in edit mode and then saved again (thus completing the review). Whether any adjustments or additions are made to the Risk or not won't be a determining factor in the completion of the review.

Managing Risks with Safety Plans

Task Name in PeopleSafe: ' Control Task' - *aka* Safety Plan needs to be created
This is a PeopleSafe generated task that's created when a Safety Plan is required to manage a Risk. A Risk will trigger the creation of this task when the risk is identified as significant. This task is given to users with a specific PeopleSafe Job as the designated reviewer or users with Coordinator security clearance.

Although this task maybe deleted, PeopleSafe will recreate the task during the daily scan of the system in it's search for finding unmet requirements and notifying the user. Creating a Safety Plan for the Risk or downgrading the severity of the Risk to general or eliminated is the only way the task can be completed.


  • A full or filtered list of Risks can be exported out as CSV or PDF using Risks Smart-list. 
  • Risks are available as an overhead reporting category. 
    • The reports report on the following: when risks were identified, who added the risk, where the risk was found, the type of risk, how likely the risk will hurt someone, how serious it is and how significant the risk is.
  • Safety Plan expiry dates can be reported on in the Risks One-click report section.

In task reporting Risk review tasks (whether current, overdue or completed) can be reported on.

Export Data

The Risks list, and directly associated data can be exported in .CSV format at any time.
How to: Export Data from PeopleSafe

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