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Add a New Safety Plan

Once you've found some risks you'll need to create Safety Plans to manage them.  PeopleSafe helps you write a new Safety Plan by asking a series of questions that will require you to really think about the risk/s and how you are going to manage them. This article explains how to add a new safety plan into PeopleSafe from the Safety Plans tab. If you've received a Control (Safety Plan Needed) Task see our related article on completing a Control Task.

  1.  Click Safety Plans in the top menu bar. 
  2. Click the Add New menu on the right of the screen.
  3. Click New Safety Plan.
  4. Enter details of your safety plan in the fields provided. 
  5. Click  Save to finish.

Note: This safety plan is now available to all staff via the Mobile App and can be found under Safety Plans on the dashboard

More about Safety Plans

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