Find a PeopleSafe ID Number

There are two places you can go to find your PeopleSafe ID, the mobile app on your phone or by logging in to PeopleSafe on a web browser.

Find your PeopleSafe ID number in the Mobile App

  1. Open the PeopleSafe Mobile App ( or login first if you need to).
  2. Tap My PeopleSafe ID.
  3. Your ID number is shown on the screen.

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Find your PeopleSafe ID number in the Web browser

  1. Login to PeopleSafe.
  2. Click Your Name on the right in the top menu bar. 
  3. The drop-down shows a 9 digit number that looks like this: ID# 123-456-789
  4. This is your PeopleSafe ID number. 

Note: If you are using a mobile phone to login to the web browser, the ID # may not always display. If not, click on User Profile in the drop-down menu under your name and your profile will open. Your ID# is in the staff details section.

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