Complete an Online Training Task

If you've been booked to complete some online learning, you'll receive an email from PeopleSafe letting you know you have a new task. This article explains the easy steps.

To complete training you'll need:

  • Your PeopleSafe Login
  • A web browser installed on your computer 


  1. Login to your PeopleSafe account, click the Task Icon in the Menu bar, to open the Tasks(All) ToDo screen. OR 
  2. Click on the link in the email you received from PeopleSafe Alerts. If you're already logged into PeopleSafe on a computer it will take you straight to the Training Needed Task , otherwise you'll go to the Login screen. Login and follow these Steps. 
  3. From the list find and click on the Online Training Task you want to complete. The Training Needed Task screen will open.
  4. Click the Take Course Button at the bottom right.
  5. The first screen explains what the course is about. Click Next to take you to the material. 
  6. Follow through the steps on screen; watching and reading any video or PDF components, and complete the quizzes (if any). 
  7. If you get too many questions wrong and don't pass, the following screen will appear.

  8.  Talk to your boss if you need help with the training.
  9. If you pass, the task is completed and a record is automatically added to your User Profile.

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