Find your Username

If you can't login to PeopleSafe because you've forgotten or can't find your username, there are a couple of options for you. 

1. Talk to your Manager or PeopleSafe Coordinator

If you've never received your username, it's been forgotten or perhaps the password link you received has expired,  you'll need to talk to your manager or PeopleSafe Coordinator. They can help you. Your PeopleSafe Coordinator might be the Health and Safety Manager or an administration person in your organisation.

2.  For PeopleSafe Coordinators

  1. Ask another PeopleSafe Coordinator in your organisation to help by looking it up for you.
  2. If you were the person who signed up to PeopleSafe check your emails to find the automated signup email you received from PeopleSafe when you first signed up. This will have your basic subscription details including your username. 
  3. Contact PeopleSafe by emailing us at and we’ll give you a hand.
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