Create Check-in Reports

There are several reporting options for the Check-in feature. Using the One-Click reports, you can view Check-in records, see where your staff have been, see who's on site right now,  or you can choose to customise a report by building your own.  

One-Click Reports 

Reports available are: View Check-in records, See where my staff have been (the sites your staff have checked into), Show everyone on site now, and Build a custom report.

  1. Click Reports in the top menu bar
  2. Click the Check-in tile.
  3. Decide what information you want to report on from one of the options on the left. 
  4. Click Build Report from the option you have chosen. This will open the report in a new browser page.
  5. Clicking View Check-in record takes you to the Check-in log and from there you can  filter the data from the smart list area or use the in-line filters at the top of each column to narrow down what you want to see.
    The Build a custom report option, is another way to filter data and create a report.

Printable reports can be created from ‘Build a custom report’ and ‘View Check-in records’.

Create Check-in reports using the Custom Reports feature

  1. Click Reports in the top menu bar. 
  2. Click Custom Reports at the top right.
  3. Click Build My Own at the top right.
  4. Click through the reporting option questions to refine the data to get to what you want to see. 
  5. Click Build My Report.
  6. The report will appear in your Downloads folder.

More about Check-in Reporting 

  •  A list of who is onsite can be obtained in an emergency/evacuation by TXT message. Simply TXT keyword ONSITE to 4164 and PeopleSafe will TXT you back with a list. This feature is only available to staff with Coordinator access to your PeopleSafe subscription, and the mobile phone number they are TXTing from must be in their Staff profile. Normal PeopleSafe TXT charges apply (10 free TXT's per month, then 20 cents per message.
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