How to Start PeopleSafe Check-in

Starting PeopleSafe Check-in so that it's available for staff and visitors to use is done from Settings in your PeopleSafe subscription. It's important to remember when you start Check-in, it intentionally locks your web browser in Check-in mode on that device.

  1. Click on the Organisation Name at the top left of the screen.
  2. Click on the Settings button
  3. Scroll to the Administrator Settings heading at the bottom of the page
  4. In the Row labeled PeopleSafe Check-in; click on About Check-in
  5. Scroll to the bottom of that page and select the link Click here to Start Check-in in this browser
  6. It will ask you if you are sure you want to laugh and lock the browser into Checkin mode.
  7. Click OK

Note: Your browser will now be "locked" into PeopleSafe Check-in mode.  So you will not be able to use the PeopleSafe Application in that browser until it has been unlocked.  To do this you need to type 'exitnow' in the First and Last name box, and then enter your PeopleSafe Username and Password.

More about starting Check-in

  • Any Coordinator can start Check-in mode; and any Coordinator can exit from it if or when you need to.
  • The great thing about  your web browser locking in Check-in mode means you can leave the device unattended in your reception or other spot where you want Check-in to be always be available. 
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