FAQs - StoryAnywhere

What is the difference between 'First Aid' and 'Hurt' and what do I do about Near Misses?

First Aid is intended to be for very minor injuries, things you would otherwise put in a first aid register, whereas Hurt is more significant. From a workflow point of view, Hurt will send txt message notifications to your Coordinators and other nominated contacts, whereas First Aid won't.
Regarding Near Misses, our philosophy is to encourage you to think in terms of Risks, so we suggest using Risk for this purpose to help get people to describe or raise the underlying issue. If you receive a Risk report that does need further investigation as a Near Miss, then that's where you would use the Full Story process in the PeopleSafe application.

My organisation doesn't appear on the StoryAnywhere list, so I can't send story alerts.

If no organisations appear when you click on Story Anywhere in the App (or the organisation you need to send an alert to) then your organisation hasn't enabled the Story Anywhere App. A PeopleSafe Coordinator will need to enable the App in the PeopleSafe settings. 

I can't download the App on Google Play. It's saying 'app not available in this country error'.

First the obvious one, just to make sure that we're definitely talking about the right app:

Secondly that the Google Play account is set to new Zealand. (It's the Google Play account that has the country assigned, rather than the phone or the network its on.) To check this, in Google Play, go to the Settings menu; Account > Payment methods > More payment settings  (This will take you to the Google Payments login, In Google Payments there will be an Address set, which includes a Country.)

I don't have a smart phone, so what do I do now?

You can still send in StoryAnywhere alerts if you don't have a smart phone. You'll just need to send your story in as a TXT-in alert (it's the same thing). Here is our article about TXT-in to explain everything!

I can't find the APP on my iPad, where is it?

You'll need to change your APP store search filters from 'iPad only' to 'iPhone only'. StoryAnywhere should then pop up. The APP may have some slight dimension anomalies but the APP will still function normally. 

When I complete the StoryAnywhere Task by telling a full story, what happens to the StoryAnywhere Task?

All StoryAnywhere Tasks are recorded in PeopleSafe and appear as a list in the StoryAnywhere (All) All, Smart-list which you can get to from the Stories dashboard. Once a Task  is completed, it will show a completion date in the 'Completed on' column in the list (and show as completed in the record) and will no longer appear in your Task (All) ToDo list under the Tasks icon on the top menu bar. If a full story is told, a new record will be created for that story. 

What do I do if the StoryAnywhere is about a risk we already know about ? 

This is about how you manage your risks.  In this case it’s a good idea to add a note to the StoryAnywhere  about what you did and then it can be completed.  By adding Notes or Attachments to records it means you can keep track of the information that helps you on your journey of managing risks.  It’s  a way for you to identify what’s really happening and then take steps outside of the software to address that.
If you are finding the same risk is coming up time and again, what it might highlight is that your staff may not be understanding how the risks are working together or that they haven’t understood the safety plan.

I can't find the StoryAnywhere Task I'm looking for.

  • Check the filters on your task list to make sure under My Tasks/All Tasks: All Tasks is selected and under Status: All is selected.
  • Check with your Manager or PeopleSafe Coordinator that they have given you access to the StoryAnywhere Task.  (Your name needs to be selected under: Give to these People).

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