How Full Story Notifications Work

When a Full Story is told in PeopleSafe, notifications are sent to users by either email or text message (if serious).  Their purpose is to let you know something has happened and to direct you to the software to find out the detail or to take action straight away if something is serious.

Story Notifications

As soon as a story is told using PeopleSafe, a notification or notifications are sent. 

Provided profiles are set up correctly, all PeopleSafe Coordinators, and Managers who are assigned as the Manager of staff involved, will receive a Story Alert which contains main details of the Story, and will be assigned the Review Task.

The email alerts, and message displayed from the person telling the Story, include details of why PeopleSafe thinks the Story is potentially serious, to help you take appropriate actions sooner.

If you click on the link in the email and you get an error message: “Could not find or load that Task”, there are a couple reasons why:

  1. The story review task may already been reviewed so the review has been completed. Multiple people may have access to the story or have been tasked to view it. Disregard the task notification.
  2. The receiver of the task doesn't have the correct security clearance or visibility of the story teller so will not be able to access the task. Check the user’s security clearance to confirm. Regard the task as a notification of incident and not a requirement to complete the task.
  3. The review task has been deleted and the story has not yet been reviewed. You'll still need to review the story even though the task has been deleted. You'll find a review button next to the story when in the Smart-list view of all Stories.

Serious Story Notifications

When a Story is deemed 'serious' by way of certain triggers, PeopleSafe will send out an extra email and a TXT alert. You can read more about serious story notifications and those triggers HERE .

 Managing who gets Notifications

Three things will set you up to get Story notifications from PeopleSafe.

  • First you need to have the correct security clearance to receive notifications (Coordinator or Manage Users)
  • You will need to have Receive Notifications of Serious Events and Assign and Notify Manager/Coordinator Tasks set to Yes in the Work section of your Staff Profile
  • Next you will need to have a mobile number and email address entered into the Work section of your Staff Profile to receive PeopleSafe notifications.

If you don't want all your managers to receive the Serious Story alerts you can turn it off in Settings under Our Organisation. A Coordinator will need to go to edit mode of Our Organisation, then scroll down to Preferences and select No to:  'Send notifications of Serious Stories to ALL managers'.

If you want to stop some Managers or Coordinators from receiving Serious Story alerts but not others, this is done from within the individual person's staff profile. You will find the fields where you can change this setting in the Work section. There is a Yes/No  button that changes whether a Manager or Coordinator gets the Serious Story alerts or not. Just find the manager you want to stop getting the alerts and EDIT their profile to make the changes. 

You can also Email or TXT 'Serious' Story alert  to a person who may not be a Coordinator or a Manager; e.g. an external adviser, owner, etc. This can be done using the "E-mail Serious Harm Stories to" and TXT Serious Harm Stories to" fields on your Our Organisation details.

More about Full Story Notifications

  • If you're not receiving PeopleSafe notification emails, once you've checked your profile is set up correctly, it's possible that they're being stopped at your spam / junk email filter. If your organisation has an overall spam filter / firewall, then your System Administrator or I.T. Person can add the PeopleSafe Notification email address,, to your whitelist. Or for individual users, an easy fix is to add the PeopleSafe Notification email address,, to your Contacts List or "Safe Sender" list, this should work for most email applications.
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